Sunday, November 1, 2009


environment design


3Destruct from ANTIVJ is a visual label on Vimeo.


Live Painting: Shackleton from ANTIVJ is a visual label on Vimeo.


I. Motivation
II. Related Work
III. Completed Work
IV. Proposed Work
V. Timeline & Methods
VI. Bibliography

What biological reasons do we wear clothes?
What is the relationship between graphics and fashion?
What is the difference between graphics and fashion?
What is interactive graphics?
Why realtime graphics in a fashion show?

This study aims to define graphics in fashion; fashion show.
Fashion and graphics are essentially related, because they both are representational ways of visualizing elements like forms, colors, dimensions, texture etc. They both reflect the scenery of historical and political background. However, the research on this topic has been insufficient, especially on fashion shows.

The analysis of uniqueness of graphics’ possibilities in future fashion shows and the fashion statements will become the key to this project.

Completed Work
These examples of short clips show the current fashion statements, using 3D holograms, 3D projections, and interactive media.

With the development of these technologies, the viewers are more and more interested in seeing what they have not seen before in any kind of fields. Especially, when it comes to a fashion show, it is no longer about showing clothes and design. It is about new experience.

Proposed Work
This thesis work will be represented as a fashion show for an existing brand or a new launching brand. Realtime audio and graphics will be performed throughout the show. This thesis will not only find new ways of representing a fashion show, but will contribute to positioning an innovative graphics’ genre in fashion.

Timeline & methods

*Brand Identity
*packages & promotional packages
*show case

Victionary, Ada Yan Tsuen Fung, Fashion Unfolding: Fashion Graphics Depicting All Contemporary Fashion Styles and Trends, Hong kong, Gingko Press Inc., 2007.
Courtenay, Smith, Sean Topham, Xtreme Fashion, Prestel, Verlag, Munich, Berline, London, Newyork, 2005.
Victionary, Fashion Wonderland, Hong kong, Viction:Workshop Limited, 2007.
Taschen, Jones, Terry, Rushton Susie, Fashion Now 2, Köln, Germany, 2005.
Suzanne, Lee, Fashioning the future; Tomorrow's wardrobe, London, Thomas and Hudson Ltd. 2005.
Quinn, Bradley, Techno Fashion, New York, Berg, 2002.
양숙희•한수연, 『패션과 영상』, 서울, 숙명여자대학교 출판국, 2008
오희선,『재미있는 패션 이야기』, 서울, 교학연구사, 2000.
이경희•이은령,『패션 디자인 플러스 발상』, 파주, (주)교문사, 2008
곽태기, 『디지털 의류의 시대적 개발 경향 연구』, 한국복식학회, 2009
서지연, 『1920년대 패션이미지를 응용한 패션스타일링 연구』, 이화여자대학교 디자인대학원, 2007
Yujin,Seo•Jisoo,Ha, analysis of Graphic Design Trend in Fashion Design, Seoul National University, 2007
Seo,Hyun-soo, The Study of Typography Expressed in Modern Fashion, Seoul National University, 2003

Thursday, October 29, 2009

list of interviewers

David Hall physical media designer
United Bamboo's Miho Aoki & Thuy Pham
권영호 fashion photographer
김원선 designer
김용준 graphic designer
리밍 stylist
박효신 graphic designer
서정기 fashion designer
설준기 distributer
우종완 stylist
이타리 fashion designer
정구호 fashion designer

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

study list

Graphics in fashion (Fashion show)
-fashion statements
-Fashion shows
Environmental design
Runway / stage
Real time
Sound System

*Brand Identity
*packages & promotional packages
*show case

Monday, October 26, 2009

LOUIS VITTON A Journey Beyond

LV A Journey Beyond

3D projection

Diesel Liquid Space from Marcelo Baldin on Vimeo.

By Marcelo Baldin

references_fashion related

Video Sculpture for the Prada store

Interactive Video Wall for Diesel's fashion show

L.E.D. Installation for Adidas Y3
by Light harvest studios


Multi Channel Live Video Performance

Panoramic Light Paintings 2

Six Channel Architectual Video Installation for storefront
by Light harvest studios

Thursday, October 22, 2009

graphics, fashion, future

What biological reasons make us wear clothes?
What is the relationship between graphics and fashion?
What is the difference between graphics and fashion?
What is interactive graphics?
Why realtime in fashion show?

Fashion and graphics are essentially related. because they both are representational ways of visualizing elements like forms, colors, dimensions, texture etc. Then what is the difference between graphics and fashion? The difference will be analized in the thesis and the uniqueness of the graphics will be amphasized and applicated in fashion.
Finding out uniqueness of graphics' possibilities in current fashion would be the key to this project. Then, finding out what's beyond the possibilities would be the future graphics and fashion. It can be examined and experimented in many different and interesting ways. Fashion show would be a very good example of analyzing graphics.
This thesis work will be represented as a fashion show for an existing brand or a new launching brand. Realtime sound & movement reactive graphics will be performed throughout the show. This thesis will not only find new ways of showing a fashion show, but will contribute to positioning an innovative graphic genre in fashion.

interactive graphics
graphics in fashion design
graphics in show window display & packages
graphics in fashion show

역사적으로 그래픽과 패션의 연관성이 무엇이었으며, 현시점과 미래에 그들의 연관이 펼쳐 낼 수 있는 여러 가지 방법들을 연구하고, 현존하는 브랜드 또는 새로운 브랜드에 적용시켜 브랜드 이미지 구축과 패션시장에서의 그래픽의 범위를 자리매김한다.
테크놀러지의 발달로 여러분야에서 그래픽의 활용범위 또한 넓어졌다. 특히 패션 브랜드 이미지 구축에서의 그래픽이 맡은 역할은 다양해졌다. 3D hologram & 3D projection등 여러 가지 새로운 테크놀러지가 적용된 패션쇼와 매장 디스플레이의 시도등이 현 시점이다. 그렇다면 미래의 패션 관련 그래픽은 이런 high-tech를 활용한 어떤 새로운 방법들이 가능할 수 있는지를 연구한다. 이러한 연구 결과가 패션 시장에 새로운 자리매김 하여 viewer들의 오감을 만족시킬 수 있는 새로운 형태의 디자인의 장르로의 발전에 이바지하였으면 한다.